Curricula and Syllabi

Participate in Project Syllabus

As you know, we are constantly working to improve our value to you as members and to advance the intelligence profession. Toward this end, we'd like to invite you to participate in our latest effort to share best practices throughout our academic community. Were calling this 'Project Syllabus'. Project syllabus is an attempt to gather PDFs of your syllabi that we can place behind the membership paywall, and that members can peruse and even download. We would like this effort to promote widely best practices in teaching and assessment in intelligence education.

We appreciate that not all members are teaching in intelligence studies programs; in fact, that some members are teaching in political science, international relations, security studies, emergency management, public health, cybersecurity, etc. programs. As a result, your courses may not have an 'intelligence' or 'intelligence studies' prefix.

For ease on both your part and ours, you can submit your syllabi as a PDF in its entirety, or you may create a minimal version of your existing syllabi by extracting university specific information, policies, details, etc. For example, the minimum syllabus structure we?d like should include:

Course title and level. Ex. 'Intelligence 701 Structured Analytical Techniques', 'Homeland Security 250 Fundamentals of Intelligence Studies', etc.
--Course description
--Student learning outcomes
--Assignments and Assessment methods
--Reading list

We are not looking for exams, quizzes, or other details of teaching at this time. But please be sure that your syllabus is in English and saved as a PDF.

In addition, if you know of colleagues teaching Intelligence and related courses who are NOT IAFIE members, and who might not see this email, please ask them to submit their course syllabus as well.

Please consider helping us to help you. Please email Kayla Murphy at and James Ramsay at

Posted Feb 16 25