IAFIE Chapters
IAFIE is pleased to have Chapters of our Association. There are two (2) types of chapters approved by IAFIE: chapters formed by geographic regions or field of interest; and chapters formed by groups of students enrolled in academic degree programs at the undergraduate, graduate, doctoral or post-doctoral levels. Chapters are subgroupings of IAFIE Global but are comprised of IAFIE individual members. Voting privileges vary across the type of chapter
Chair: Irena Chiru, chiru.irena@animv.eu
Washington DC Area Chapter
Chair: Marilyn Peterson, marilynbp1@verizon.net
Metro New York Chapter
Chair: Open
Alpha - Institute of World Politics (IWP) Student Chapter
- Faculty Advisor - Aaron Danis, adanis@iwp.edu
- Student Contact - Kiley Pittman, kiley.pittman@iwp.edu
Beta - St. John's University Student Chapter (Inactive)
Gamma - University of New Hampshire (UNH) Student Chapter (Inactive)
Delta - National Intelligence University (NIU) Student Chapter (Inactive)
Epsilon - Edith Cowan University (ECU) Student Chapter
- Faculty Advisor - Jeff Corkill, j.corkill@ecu.edu.au
- Student Contact - Elle Honan, ehonan@our.ecu.edu.au
Zeta - Coastal Carolina University (CCU) Student Chapter
- Faculty Advisor - Jonathan Smith, jonsmith@coastal.edu
- Student Contact - Richard Nimon, rflimon@coastal.edu
Eta - Marymount University Student Chapter (Inactive)
Theta - War Studies University (WSU) Student Chapter (Inactive)
Iota - Georgetown University Student Chapter
- Faculty Advisor - Barry Zulauf, barry.zulauf@georgetown.edu
- Student Contact - Jason King, jg52@georgetown.edu
Kappa - Northeastern University Student Chapter
- Faculty Advisor - David Hagen, d.hagen@northeastern.edu
- Student Contact - Lily Kinley, kinley.li@northeastern.edu
Lamda - Indiana University, Luddy School Student Chapter
- Faculty Advisor - Carol Choksy, cchoksy@iu.edu
- Student Contact - Contact info coming soon