IAFIE Chapters

IAFIE is pleased to have Chapters of our Association. Click on the titles below to learn more about each Chapter.



European Chapter

Chair: Irena Chiru, chiru.irena@animv.eu


Washington DC Area Chapter

Chair: Marilyn Peterson, marilynbp1@verizon.net


Metro New York Chapter

Chair: Open


IAFIE is pleased to have Student Chapters of our Association.

Alpha - Institute of World Politics (IWP) Student Chapter

  • Faculty Advisor - Aaron Danis, adanis@iwp.edu
  • Student Contact -  Robert Bankowski: robert.bankowski@iwp.edu

Beta - St. John's University Student Chapter (Inactive)

  • Faculty Advisor - Keith Cozine, cozinek@stjohns.edu
  • Student Contact - Liam Noonan, liam.noonan19@stjohns.edu

Gamma - University of New Hampshire (UNH) Student Chapter

  • Faculty Advisor - Re-organizing, will provide contact when named
  • Student Contact - Daniel Differ, dd1117@wildcats.unh.edu

Delta - National Intelligence University (NIU) Student Chapter (Inactive)

  • Faculty Advisor - Contact info coming soon
  • Student Contact - Marcus Peduzzi, peduzzi.iafie@gmail.com

Epsilon - Edith Cowan University (ECU) Student Chapter

  • Faculty Advisor - Jeff Corkill, j.corkill@ecu.edu.au
  • Student Contact - Kate Hampson, klhampso@our.ecu.edu.au

Zeta - Coastal Carolina University (CCU) Student Chapter

  • Faculty Advisor - Jonathan Smith, jonsmith@coastal.edu
  • Student Contact - Richard Nimon,  rflimon@coastal.edu

Eta - Marymount University Student Chapter (Inactive)

  • Faculty Advisor - Linda Millis, lmillis@marymount.edu
  • Student Contact - Hailey Vietz, hrv46475@marymount.edu

Theta - War Studies University (WSU) Student Chapter

  • Faculty Advisor - Jozef Kozlowski, j.kozlowski@akademia.mil.pl
  • Student Contact - Contact info coming soon

Iota - Georgetown University Student Chapter

  • Faculty Advisor - Barry Zulauf, barry.zulauf@georgetown.edu
  • Student Contact - Jason King, jg52@georgetown.edu

Kappa - Northeastern University Student Chapter

  • Faculty Advisor - David Hagen, d.hagen@northeastern.edu
  • Student Contact - Miles Miller, miller.mile@northeastern.edu