Legacy Stories

    IAFIE Legacy Stories - Introduction
    Spotlight - Joseph Gordan and the Advancement of IAFIE

IAFIE Legacy Stories - Introduction

IAFIE Legacy Stories will feature spotlights recognizing the legacies of our past presidents. We’ll be posting more over this, our 20th anniversary year.

Spotlight - Joseph Gordon and the Advancement of IAFIE

Joseph Gordon's service to the International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE) is characterized by his commitment to the organization’s development and his contributions to the field of intelligence education. Appointed to the IAFIE board by Barry Zulauf, Gordon brought his experience to support the association's growth and success. In recognition of his contributions today he is the recipient of the IAFIE 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award and named an IAFIE Distinguished Fellow.
Gordon has been active in sharing his research at IAFIE's annual conferences, continually engaging with current topics in the field. His involvement in academic research persisted following his teaching career, highlighting his dedication to the intelligence education community.
As president of IAFIE, Gordon focused on expanding the organization’s international scope. He often spoke of remembering to maintain the first I in IAFIE. His first conference in Washington, DC, began a series of successful annual meetings that would define his term. The El Paso, Texas, conference was notable for its organization and local engagement, largely thanks to Larry Valero.
In New York City, the third-year conference succeeded in attracting new members and included a visit to the 9/11 Museum, enriching the event with a relevant educational experience.
The annual conference in Breda, Netherlands, during Gordon’s fourth year, marked IAFIE’s expansion into an international organization and led to the creation of a European Chapter, broadening the association's reach.
Gordon also encouraged the establishment of local chapters, strengthening IAFIE’s network and enhancing its capacity for collaboration and exchange.
In his effort to document IAFIE’s history, Gordon collaborated with peers such as Bill Spracher to ensure a comprehensive and accurate historical account. His book "Strategic Warning Intelligence: History, Challenges, and Prospects," co-authored with John Gentry, is recognized as a substantial contribution to the literature on intelligence education.
Joseph Gordon's time with IAFIE reflects a consistent effort to enhance the association and contribute to the intelligence education sector.
Comments from Dr. Gordon’s peers:
John Gentry: As you may know, I worked with Joe closely when I was at NIU. We taught three of four courses of the strategic warning certificate program together for three years (the other course, on deception, was taught by deception specialists). And we collaborated on a book on warning. Joe taught for NIU for decades. Randy Pherson among others was a regular guest speaker. 
Joe was dedicated to teaching. He continues to say often that he would be teaching still if not for COVID and the need to teach online, which he disliked. He was a firm believer in IAFIE and its mission.  
Scott Ainslie: It was a great honor to nominate Joe for the Lifetime Achievement Award. In my experience, as we wander through life, we are seldom fortunate enough to discover a selfless soul who provides guidance, support, and an unwavering bond of personal friendship. The qualities of trust, loyalty, intellect, and a steadfast sense of justice are but a few of the core attributes that describe Joe, and I am truly grateful for his friendship.